Picture This! See Us Work at Home to Flatten the Curve of COVID-19
During the week of March 16, we made the company-wide transition to the majority of our staff working remotely. A big shout-out to James Moore’s outstanding technology services personnel for getting us connected! Our in-house IT department has done a remarkable job making sure we have the resources and equipment we need to serve our clients with minimal interruption. Because of their work, we can work at home safely and help stop the spread of coronavirus. Many thanks to all of them!
While it’s been an adjustment to say the least, we’ve come up with productive, creative, and even relaxing ways to telecommute. Here we are keeping things business as usual for our clients. Kyle isn’t even relaxing his dress code—and it looks like he’s been rewarded for it!
We’re finding that most any room will do for a work-at-home setup, with bonus points if you can get a workout in nearby. (By the way, James hasn’t locked himself out of his house… that’s a mirror!)
And since this is Florida, you know some of us are taking it outside—or at least getting a gorgeous outdoor view!
Our kids are getting a firsthand look at what we do every day. (Stacy’s youngest son is even directing us!)
Our loving and adorable pets are also happy to have us home with them as we work at home.
We’re conducting meetings remotely. (Hmm, it seems like only some of us were camera ready that day…)
And of course, we aren’t forgetting cleanliness! It’s become a frequent routine for us all, as you can see from Vicky’s to-do list.
We hope that you’re all staying put as much as you can. And to those of you who cannot work at home, you have our deepest gratitude. Healthcare workers, grocery store employees, repair technicians, transportation operators, takeout restaurant workers, delivery workers… you are all putting yourselves at risk so we can have safety and relative comfort at home. Our thoughts and thanks are with you always.
So for the sake of these unsung heroes, let’s all do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 so they can be out of harm’s way soon. In the meantime… stay healthy, everyone!