The 2021 JMCOlympics – Coming Back to (James Moore) Life
It’s been awhile since we’ve posted, and so much has changed in our pandemic-tinged reality. From work-at-home arrangement becoming the norm to reduced capacity guidelines in the bathroom (and raw hands from constant washing and disinfectant use!), we’ve made the necessary adjustments to keep everyone safe.
What we haven’t changed, however, is our willingness to get a bit silly. So you can imagine the enthusiasm when our annual JMCOlympics returned after a one-year hiatus! Held on Nov. 19, the event featured old and new games alike. Highlights included:
- Our perennial obstacle race that had teams wrapping each other like mummies, Army-crawling on the ground, potato-sack hopping in garbage bags… you get the idea.
- A Squid Game-influenced round of red light green light (complete with super soaker water guns)
- A “pie” eating contest for those with an appetite for Jello and Cool Whip
- The team log roll event – which taught us that logs can indeed collapse upon themselves
- Flag tag – a high-pressure event for the more athletically inclined competitors
- A visit from the Chillville ice cream truck so we could enjoy some treats while waiting for the results
A hearty congratulations to our gold medalists… the Yellow team! The Blue team fought hard for second place and the silver medals, while the Green team bribed their way showed their initiative to capture bronze. Green’s enthusiasm won them the Most Team Spirit award, while the Purple team was named Most Intense. Individual awards also were given to the most athletic competitor, biggest trash talker, and “Miss Congeniality” for the day.
Watch the video to see the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat… and the fun of James Moore Life!